Registration opens on June 1st and continues to September - please register as soon as possible to ensure your player participates in all ice times. A reminder that you save by registering before June 30, 2023.
In order for a registration to be accepted the online registration submission must be completed in full, with any necessary documents, volunteer deposit, and payment included.
Registration is open until September 20 (space permitting), please register as soon as possible to have your player included in September ice times where applicable.
All families must have completed the RIS Parent Course as mandated by Hockey Alberta.
Returning players will receive registration information by email for online registration. Registrations received by June 30, 2023 take advantage of the Early Bird discount. Registrations received July 1 onwards will not receive the discount.
Players participating in U13 AA Tryouts with the Elite clubs can register with North Seera Hockey in the spring or upon return.
New players please use online registration. Registrations must include a copy of Birth Certificate OR Passport AND a copy of Alberta Health Care Card AND Proof of Residency (recent utility bill in parents names, must be power, water, gas). Registrations received by June 30, 2023 take advantage of the Early Bird Discount. Registrations received July 1 onwards will not receive the discount.
Transferring players please contact Registrar. Players transferring from another club are also considered new players and need to provide the same documentation listed above and a Hockey Alberta Parent Declaration form.